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Special lecture by environmental expert | 환경 전문가 특강

  • 등록일 2023.10.30
  • 조회수 486
  • 공공정책대학원

Date and time: 5pm 6pm, Monday, November 6, 2023

Place: Jiphyeon-gwan 303 

Dr. David Batker*, a renowned economist from Washington State and a policy leader, will share his expertise and experience in energy and environment. 

This talk will highlight the challenges of coal, oil, and natural gas, and lawsuits challenging these energy choices. It will also discuss the triumphs and challenges of valuing nature and changing policies and projects in the United States. Specifically, it will discuss how placing monetary value on the ecosystem goods and services (EGS) provided by nature have changed policy and projects in the United States. Recent national policy changes have included the adoption of EGS valuation across federal agencies (the first update to benefit/cost analysis since 1987), lowering the federal discount rate, the adoption of EGS for Federal Emergency Management Agency post-disaster mitigation and specific project examples.

This will be a great opportunity for students to learn and ask questions about working at a NGO and his expertise on energy and environmental policy. Refreshments will be provided for attendees. Please RSVP using the link below. 

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This event is organized by the Department of Public Administration ((+82) 02-3408-3308 OR admdpt@sejong.ac.kr)

* David Batker is the President of Batker Consulting and Founder of Earth Economics. He has focused on improving practical decision-making tools like watershed valuation and benefit/cost analysis. He has also worked to improve policy at the World Bank, InterAmerican Bank, Asian Development Bank and 35 export-credit agencies.