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2024학년도 2학기 학위청구논문 지도교수 신청 및 연구계획서 제출 안내(논문졸업자대상) | Notice for thesis graduates for Fall 2024

  • 등록일 2024.09.03
  • 조회수 80
  • 공공정책대학원

| Please scroll down for instructions in English.


[ 2024-2 학기 학위청구논문 지도교수 신청 및 연구계획서 제출 안내]

1. 대상자:현재 4학기 재학생으로, 5학기 석사학위논문으로 졸업할 학생


2. 신청 기간 : 2024.09.09 () ~ 2024.09.13 (까지


3. 주의사항

논문졸업신청자의 경우 수료전환이  시점부터는 학점 졸업이 불가능합니다

반드시 논문심사  졸업 하셔야 하니 숙고하셔서 결정하시길 부탁드립니다.


<논문지도 교수 신청>

주임교수와 협의 후 논문 지도교수 배정 제청서 작성 → pubsejong@sejong.ac.kr로 스캔 후 제출 혹은 교학과로 제출


<논문 연구계획서 제출 방법> 

학사정보시스템(https://sjpt.sejong.ac.kr로그인 [학적/자격시험]  [논문연구계획서작성] [새로작성]클릭

지도교수1, 논문제목(국문),논문제목(영문), 논문내용(요약), 논문계획서 제출일자 등 별표(*) 표시가 나와있는 필수사항 모두 입력 [저장(신청)] 버튼 클릭

** 연구계획서 제출 기한 :  2024년 9월 13일 

제출서류에 본인 서명 필히 기재  

정상처리 되었을경우 연구계획서 출력버튼 클릭이 가능하며 출력  지도교수  주임교수 서명을 받은  교학과 제출


** 논문 제목과 연구계획서 내용은 추후 변경 가능하오니 가제목과 관심이 가시는 연구주제를 기입하는 개념으로 생각하시면 될 것 같습니다. 따라서 계획서 내용은 지도교수님과 상의하신 후 추후 변경 가능합니다.


[submission of the thesis advisor assignment request form and thesis reasearch plan]

1. Conditions: Students who are currently enrolled in the 4th semester

                        and want to graduate with a master's degree thesis in the 5th semester.


2. Application period :  2024.09. 09 (Mon) ~ 2024.09.13 (Fri)


3. Caution
In the case of thesis graduation applicants, credit graduation is not possible 

from the time the completion conversion is made.
You must graduate after reviewing your thesis.Please make a careful decision.


<Application for a thesis guidance professor>
After consulting with the principal professor, prepare a thesis advisor assignment proposal 

→ Scan the thesis advisor assignment proposal and send an e-mail to pubsejong@sejong.ac.kr, 

or Submit to the teaching department.


<How to submit a thesis research plan>
 Academic Information System (https://sjpt.sejong.ac.kr) Login 

[학적/자격시험](Academic/Qualification Exam) Click

[논문연구계획서작성](Write a thesis research plan) Click

[새로작성] (Create New) Click  and Fill in each blank.

     : Assistant Professor 1, thesis title (Korean), Enter all essentials marked with an asterisk (*) such as  

     thesis title (English), thesis content (summary), and thesis plan submission date

[저장(신청)](Save (Application)) button Click.

** Deadline for thesis research plan: 2024.09.13 (Fri)

Be sure to write your signature on the submitted documents.

- If the process is successful, you can click the Print Research Plan button, print it out,

 get the signatures of your advisor and head professor, and submit it to the Gwang-gae-to Office No. 915

** The title of the paper and the contents of the research plan can be changed later.
First, write down the subject and the research topic you are interested in.
The contents of the plan can be changed after consulting with the advisor.


**If you have any questions, please.send us an email. >> pubsejong@sejong.ac.kr

It is more helpful to inquire by e-mail to you :)